Informacion shtesë
Gjatësia | 50 m |
Diametri | 0,125 mm, 0,220 mm, 0,250 mm, 0,300 mm, 0,185 mm, 0,330 mm, 0,280 mm, 0,370 mm, 0,145 mm, 0,164 mm, 0,201 mm |
Gjatësia | 50 m |
Diametri | 0,125 mm, 0,220 mm, 0,250 mm, 0,300 mm, 0,185 mm, 0,330 mm, 0,280 mm, 0,370 mm, 0,145 mm, 0,164 mm, 0,201 mm |
Beyond the extreme traction, a particularly hard life awaits the fluorocarbon in the marine environment: the harsh light, the aggressiveness of salt, the abrasions and the risk of cut by the fish teeth are key factors to its survival.
For this reason, we have developed a proper solution to such problems, working around surface protection level: compared to the version with red label, the Saltwater offers a higher thickness of the third layer, which ensures an adequate response to the circumstances. The resistance values of knot strength are identical.